29. Juni 17
ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften
Hermann-Elflein-Straße 18
14467 Potsdam
Remix practices in art and new media within the digitalparadigm
This workshop will focus on the notion of remix in art and digital art. Many elements like the technicality of the medium, the malleability of the contents, the banalisation of copyright infringement or the unprecedented availability of materials impact creation directly. All this has given birth to multiple creation strategies by, for, with or out of the Internet. Artworks are open, processual, interactive. Digital art is a flourishing movement and remix occupies a key place within. It is thus in the long history of artistic remix and the new emerging history of digital creation that I choose to enrol as a Ph.D candidate on this subject. My research focus on how the digitalisation of nearly all types of media and their increase accessibility with the Internet change the paradigm of remix practice in art. I defended this Ph.D in 2016 in the University of Toulouse II (France).
The first part of this workshop will include a presentation about remix theory, and remix practises in art and digital art. I will start with an introduction about the three different types of remix, their differences, their common points (for example the collection, the sustainability of the fragment, the question of originality and plagiarism). Then will follow a presentation on the history of remix in art since 1900 and a focus on contemporary artistic practice on the Internet. This last part of the presentation will include a screening of a selection of artworks related to this theme. For the second part of the workshop I will make a presentation of my artistic work for the past decade in relation to this theme.
(The next part depends on the time left)
The last part of the workshop will be more practical. Students will be invited to use simple digital tools and the contents of others found on the Internet to create a new version, a remix to obtain after using a multitude of sources, an « original work ».
Torsten Schöbel, Fachhochschule Potsdam
Nicolas Boillot is a French/Swiss artist living and working in Berlin (DE) and Nice (FR). His works, mostly real-time processed video installations have been shown in various new media exhibitions/festivals in Europe and America since 2005. Website
Torsten Schöbel, M.A./Art in Context, ist seit 2008 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Studiengang Europäische Medienwissenschaft. Torsten Schöbel war von 2003 bis 2008 Künstlerischer Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Bildende Kunst / Intermediäre künstlerische Praxis an der Technischen Universität Berlin und von 2001 bis 2012 Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Kunst im Kontext an der Universität der Künste Berlin. 2007 und 2009 Gastprofessur für Medienkunst an der Universität der Künste Berlin im Chinesisch-Deutschen Masterstudiengang Bildende Kunst an der China Academy of Art in Hangzhou.