14. April 20
ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften
Hermann-Elflein-Straße 18
14467 Potsdam
+++ Um der Verbreitung des Coronavirus entgegenzuwirken, wurde der Vortrag abgesagt +++
[abgesagt] Reshaping Small Cinemas: Film Festivals, Film Circulation and the Internationalisation of Recent Chilean Cinema
Um der Verbreitung des Coronavirus entgegenzuwirken, wurde der Vortrag abgesagt.
In the last decade, Latin American Cinema has flourished in the international film festival circuit as a form of “world cinema”, getting artistic recognition and increasing its circulation in the global arena, even when these films tend to be detached from local audiences. Festivals have played a pivotal role in the transformation of small Latin American cinemas, particularly in the case of Chile, which has showed an exceptional increase in local production, a growing professionalization and wider international recognition, linked to its participation in the circuit. This talk discusses the case of Chilean Cinema, based on both archival research and a multi-sited ethnography conducted in local and international festivals over a decade. The research allowed to map international networks of circulation of Chilean films, filmmakers and festival programmers, and to trace the outstanding transformations in the local field during this period. The talk discusses the diverse ways we can understand film festivals as fundamental nodes for the construction of a new “internationalised” field of production, looking into the ways their programming and training strategies have impacted local film production and circulation. It also aims to reflect on the contradictions and challenges of this process, in particular regarding the relationship of small cinemas and its local audiences.
Dr. María Paz Peirano is an Assistant Professor in Film and Cultural Studies at Universidad de Chile, with a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Kent (UK). Her research involves an ethnographic approach to film as social practice, focusing on the international circulation of Chilean cinema, film festivals, and the development of Chilean cinematic culture.
Her research has been published in several specialised journals and edited collections and she is co-editor of the volume Film Festivals and Anthropology (Cambridge Scholars 2017). She is the founder of www.festivalesdecine.cl and she is currently the lead researcher of the project “Film festivals, educational experiences and the expansion of the Chilean field”, developing qualitative methodologies for mapping local film festivals and festivals’ hubs for professionals and audience formation, by integrating archival research and ethnographic data.