04 December 23
Digitalvilla am Hedy-Lamarr-Platz
Raum 1.10/ Zentrum Industrie 4.0
Karl-Marx-Str. 67
14482 Potsdam
and online
GLIT©H ::: hybr*d lecturƎ pƎrformanc$Ǝs __noisy deep islands__
Event in English and German.
The term CONTROLL OF LOSS only becomes clear at second glance. It is not about loss of control, but about protocols of losses. The GLITCH has an important signaling function when reflecting on the control of losses. Although it cannot make the loss of information itself visible, the GLITCH is an indicator of systemic deficits, undocumented functions, but also predetermined breaking points in the digital and non-digital. As such, GLITCHES can provide insights into unrecognized characteristics of the systems and processes involved, and potentially even contain knowledge about repair options. Intentional GLITCHES, on the other hand, can visualize social ruptures; their shadows enable concealment, mimicry and subtle camouflage.
Michael Betancourt, Glitch Recursion (2016); Rosa Menkman, How Not To Be Read (2015); Ian Keaveny, Fairground Series 347 (2023); Till Rückwart, Salty Glitch 002 (2021)
With artistic contributions by Michael Betancourt (Georgia, USA), Luis A. Borchardt (D), Rosa Menkman (NL), Ian Keaveny (IR), Till Rückwart (D), Dean Schwarz (D), Niklas Washausen (D).
Monday, December 4 2023, Digitalvilla, Room 1.10 and Zoom
10:00 am Welcome and introduction, Verena Voigt and ZeM | DE
10:15 am Kontrollverlust als Gestaltungsmittel, Luis A. Borchardt and Dean Schwarz | DE
11:15 am Mit) Glitches Entgleiten: Bildprozessierung und Bugs in Kartierungssoftware, Till Rückwart | DE
12:00 pm Coffee break
12:45 pm Asking for Rebellion – Dewey & Bildungsglitch, Niklas Washausen | DE
01:45 pm LOO$*NG CONTROL _ GETT*NG LO$T, Ian Keaveny | EN
03:00 pm Book presentation Michael Betancourt (2023): Glitch Theory. Art and Semiotics + Verena Voigt (2023) (ed.): Glitch Phenomena 3.0 (PDF) | DE + EN
04:00 pm The Context of Glitching, Prof. Dr. Michael Betancourt | EN
05:30 pm Digitalvilla – GLITCH PHENOMENA 3.0, Verena Voigt | DE + EN
06:30 pm KEYNOTE LECTURE Revisitation 2011: Filtering Failure, Rosa Menkman (Moderation: Till Rückwart) |EN
You can find video recordings of the above-mentioned contributions on YouTube: Platform Glitch Aesthetics.
Please register in advance with . Access by public transport via Griebnitzsee station.
Curated by Verena Voigt (GFZK e.V.).
Moderation: Till Rückwart (Freie Universität Berlin), Verena Voigt (GFZK e.V.).
An event within the ZeM’s annual focus “Control of Loss” in cooperation with the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau, and with the Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Konzepte e.V. (Society for Contemporary Concepts), supported by the ZeM – Brandenburg Center for Media Studies.