20 January 22 -
21 January 22
Online event
Activating Attention. Political Videos on Social Media
International Online Conference
20-21 January 2022

Image by Koshu Kunii (@koshuuu) | Unsplash Photo Community
Videos on social media have become powerful and creative means of influencing public discourses. They are particularly significant for political activists from civil society and their attempts to gain attention for human rights, climate change, social justice, and many other issues. Moving images spread across digital networks, reach the public and evoke emotions, motivate political action, and inspire social movements. What started in the 2010s with pro-democracy movements in the MENA region and transnational anti-capitalist protests has developed into an indispensable form of media practice for all politically involved interventions, from Black Lives Matter to Fridays for Future and resistance movements in authoritarian countries like Belarus or Myanmar.
However, the power of political videos is also challenged by the conditions of the attention ecology of social networks. Video activists are subjected to the algorithms and business models of powerful platform corporations. They compete with professional PR machines, orchestrated disinformation, mass media, and, not least, with each other. At the same time, they are confronted with far-right attacks, online harassment, and government surveillance.
In this discursive context, the notion of activating attention refers to the widespread attempts, beliefs, and hopes of activists not only to attract, but strategically activate public attention. What aesthetic forms, what production and distribution strategies, but also what kind of ethical problems and trade-offs evolve under these media conditions? The conference aims to stimulate discussions among scholars, artists, and activists about the roles that political videos and particularly video activism can play in current and future political discourses.
Day 1: Thu, 20 January
4 PM – 4:30 PM
Opening Remarks and Introduction
Jens Eder, Britta Hartmann, Chris Tedjasukmana:
Political Videos on Social Media: Strategies and Challenges
Tobias Gralke:
Activating Attention in Climate Video Activism
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Attention Ecologies
Yves Citton:
Activated Attention
5:30 PM – 6 PM
6 PM – 7:30 PM
Videos in Current Protest Movements
(Chair: Alena Strohmaier)
Sophija Savtchouk:
Peaceful Resistance and Video Protest: One year on from the Presidential Elections in Belarus
Şirin Erensoy:
New Activist Diaspora from Turkey in Germany: Audio-Visual Production on Integration, Migration and Identity
Josepha Wessels:
Revolutionary Video Activism in and from Syria
Tom Divon:
Playful Activism: Memetic Performances of Palestinian Resistance on TikTok
Day 2: FRI, 21 January
4 PM – 5:30 PM
Panel Discussion:
Activist Experiences and Strategies
with Marcus Bösch, German Gordejev (ePramova), Marco Heinig (Leftvision), Aslı Kotaman + Güliz Saglam, Patricia Machmutoff (Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen)
5:30 PM – 6 PM
6 PM – 7:30 PM
Activist Image Practices in Platform Ecologies
Kerstin Schankweiler:
Between Testimony and Testimonial: Video Selfies in Protest Movements
Tina Askanius:
Alternative Influence Networks and Video Activism of the Far-Right in Sweden
Sandra Ristovska:
Human Rights Video Activism as a Proxy Profession
General Discussion
The admission is free. Please register here (Eventbrite) to receive the zoom link and further information. In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Organizers & Funders
Organized by the research project “Attention Strategies of Video Activism on the Social Web”, Germany, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation:
Jens Eder (Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF)
Tobias Gralke (University of Bonn)
Britta Hartmann (University of Bonn)
Chris Tedjasukmana (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Visit our project website: videoactivism.net
Image by Koshu Kunii