Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Norbert Gronau is holder of the chair of business informatics, esp. process and systems, at the University of Potsdam. He also acts as institute director, entrepreneur and keynote speaker.
Research Focus
Industry 4.0, digital technology, knowledge management and business processes as well as transformability of socio-technological systems.
Current Publications
September 2023: Book „Handbook of the ERP-choices, 3. Edition 2023“
September 2023: Journal entry „Adequate Basis for the Data-Driven and Machine-Learning-Based Identification“
July 2023: Journal entry „ A deep reinforcement learning based hyper-heuristic for modular production control“
June 2023: Journal entry „Towards a Standardization in Scheduling Models: Assessing the Variety of Homonyms“
June 2023: Journal entry „ERP-Upgrade or ERP-Reselection?“
May 2023: Proceeding „Conception of Subject-Oriented Learning – A mesa-didactic design framework for learning scenarios for manufacturing“
January 2023: Proceeding „To What Extent Can Individualization in Terms of Different Types of Mode Improve Learning Outcomes and Learner Satisfaction? A pre-study“
Norbert Gronau studied mechanical engineering and business economics at the Technische Universität Berlin (Technical University of Berlin), where he was awarded with his doctorate due to his thesis „Design of a strategy-oriented management information system for decision-making support of production management“ in 1994.
Since 2004 he is the holder of chair of business Informatics, esp. processes and systems, at the University of Potsdam. He is also the spokesperson of the management board of the Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Gesellschaft (institute for business informatics and digital society), Potsdam, since 2017 and the scientific director of the Zentrum Industrie 4.0 (centre of industry 4.0), Potsdam.
He is a member of various scientific institutions like the Weizenbaum-Institut für die Vernetzte Gesellschaft (Weizenbaum-institution for connected society), the Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften ACATECH (German academy of engineering science ACATECH) since 2007 and the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation e. V. (Scientific society for work and company organization) since 2006.
Here you will be led to the profile for Prof. Dr. Gronau on the LSWI (chair of business informatics) website where you can find more information on his career, founding activities, presentations and publications.