Dr. Sofia Varino
New Book:
M Joseph and S Varino. Aquatopia: Climate Interventions, Routledge (2023).
Book Series Co-Editor:
Kaleidoscope: Ethnography, Art, Architecture, and Archaeology (Routledge)
Recent Publications:
S Varino. Pathogenic (Auto)Ecologies: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Mechanisms in Environmental Autobiography, /The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities/, Bloomsbury (2022).
S Varino. (Un)Doing Viral Time: Queer Temporalities of Living and Dying in Pandemic Times, /Whatever Journal/, Vol 4 (2021).
M Joseph and S Varino. Multidirectional Thalassology: Comparative Ecologies Between the Venetian Lagoon and the Indian Ocean,/Shima Journal/, Vol 15, Nr 1 (2021).